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Live Performances At Alnwick Music Festival 2016
I will be performing on stage at the Alnwick International Music Festival 2016.
If you are in the area, come along, have a listen and say hello!
I’ll be bringing along a selection of my CDs for sale on the day.
Sunday 31st Market Place stage 13.30 for 30 minutes.
Monday 1st Market Place stage 11.00 for 30 minutes & Alnwick Garden at 14.00 for about 20 mins
Thursday 4th Market Place stage 14.30 for 30 minutes.
Friday 5th Market Place stage 11.30 for 30 minutes.
Saturday 6th Market Place stage 15.00 for 30 minutes.
About Andrew
Email: charlotteandrew.lobb@gmail.com
Andrew's music is a celebration of this unique part of the United Kingdom, its history and its culture - both past and present.